Tag: Joe Biden

Democracy has fallen and we can’t get up…or can we? (And yes, I mention anarchism here)

Democracy has fallen and we can’t get up…or can we? (And yes, I mention anarchism here)

As the United States teeters on the brink of theocratic, plutocratic neo-fascism, a pertinent question is whether, after everything we have seen gained over time, and after everything we have lost (or risk losing), it is possible to build a real society on a more rational basis: can we, as we live in a non-democratic state, abolish this oppressive state by the means of freedom? . . .

This is not necessarily just a concern for any self-professed anarchists. Increasingly, anyone even marginally on the left, including mainstream liberals and neo-liberal/capitalist-types, has reason to ask such questions.

I have often quoted Rebecca Henderson, of Harvard Business School, who stated:
“I think the decline of democracy is a mortal threat to the legitimacy and health of capitalism.”

Yes, the stability of capitalism itself is under threat, from itself, and even some self-professed capitalists are recognizing and attempting to reform the system.

The problem is, we hear that we work for freedom in the democratic state, for a free government, in a free state, and all that rhetoric, yet we will never be free when society is brutally subordinated to a monopolistic and hierarchical form of government. At best, we can be relatively less oppressed, for the moment. This is exactly what we discovered in 2022 after a theocratic Supreme Court keeps trying to reverse its previous, relatively progressive decisions. We have also seen a malignant narcissist attempt to overthrow a national election and install himself as a dictator, all based on lies and conspiracy theories.

Crucially, none of these things would happen in a genuinely more anarchic society where there are no dictatorial leaders, and any leaders are merely delegates with no special powers, privileges, and rights. Decisions would be made democratically, directly, so we would not be utterly dependent on the supposed wisdom of a Supreme Court, or on people like Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or any other servants of oligarchs.

In fact, to counteract many of the disastrous events unfolding, society must move more in a direct-democratic direction, even if it never reaches the appearance of a full anarchic utopia (or whatever term ones wishes to use). Quite simply, the “moderate Democrats” are failing us, and will most certainly continue to fail, as stronger authoritarian tendencies take hold

. In fact, if you are a liberal/progressive and doubt that the Democratic Party itself is a problem, consider that Joe Biden has nominated Andrew Biggs, an anti-Social Security conservative, to be in charge of Social Security. That’s right; Your retirement savings might someday disappear entirely under this typically insidious 2-party system.

Similarly, in a 2022 Texas race for Congress, Nancy Pelosi chose to back Henry Cuellar, the only anti-abortion Democrat in the House of Representatives, against the pro-choice Jessica Cisneros. This was at a time when the Supreme Court was already known to have plans to scrap Roe v. Wade. If that’s not enough, Cuellar enjoys significant support from the NRA, at a time when many progressives were calling for more gun reform due to mass shootings like the Uvalde school shooting. Not enough? Well, Cuellar had also had his office raided by the FBI, suggesting he was under investigation for some sort of criminal activity.
Still, Pelosi chose to back him, and it may have very well given Cuellar the lead.

This meant, of course, that there would be one more conservative Democrat calling the shots in the United States.

Quite simply, people cannot rely on voting alone anymore. The country needs more anarchic, bottom-up approaches to our society and its institutions. The top-down approach is ruining lives, and it’s only going to get worse if we try to rely solely on the goodwill of politicians and corporations.

Even though I hesitate to call myself an anarchist, or any other political label, it is simply undeniable that electoral politics alone are not cutting it, and never have and never will be enough. More people must be encouraged to question the authoritarian nature of the American government, which is harder to deny as reality.

To anyone who thinks that anarchism is merely a simple condemnation of modern society, it is hard for most anarchists to accept that there can be some instant turning back of the clock to some pre-modern reality. It’s no more realistic than saying we can wave a magic wand and have everything be perfect. Solutions must be sought in the present day.

This system is actually still relatively “peaceful,” but it is merely the calm before the storm, before far-right fanatics attempt a literal purge from society various marginalized groups (in addition to creating new ones, which is a habit no oppressive system can go without).

The system of so-called “law and order” has variously revealed itself to be no better than forms of organized crime such as racketeering and extortion, as well as murder; In contrast, for examples of the good within humanity, we can have the ordinary trades unions, clubs, volunteer work brigades, fund-raising groups, consumer co-operatives and mutual aid societies, which are necessary for some sort of successes against the authoritarian excesses.

Though “one man, one vote” still has its place, it is no longer clearly in the foreground, as this system of domination of man by man increasingly no longer labors under the illusion that it cares for the citizens. The question now is, Will the citizens organize effectively to take care of each other?

Right-Wing Terrorism, Threats, and Increased Repression Mean Big Money For Some!

Right-Wing Terrorism, Threats, and Increased Repression Mean Big Money For Some!

The right-wingers out there are still blaming any violence from their side on “Antifa” (or anarchists, liberals, progressives, Democrats, etc.). Why is that? Well, it’s because they are liars, and conspiracy theories concealing right-wing violence are good for the white nationalist agenda so prevalent among Republicans today.

Even putting white nationalism aside for a second, blaming all violence on anarchists (or, in some cases, communists) is an old trope, and, even among those who accept that right-wing violence exists, even they will attempt to “both sides” it, severely downplaying the more common right-wing, racist violence while grossly exaggerating the other (or even claiming relatively apolitical violence is left-wing violence, or a false flag, or what have you).

The more confused people are about violence, the more white nationalists can conceal the violence in their own movement, and hide it behind “patriotism” or irrational fears (such as “the great replacement theory,” where white people are supposedly being forcibly replaced by immigrants and other minorities, and it’s all being implemented by George Soros, which is a thinly-veiled codeword for “Jews”).

Political Violence Does Exist, and Right-wingers Capitalize on the Fear

Okay, so what about political violence makes it easy for skilled right-wing propagandists to advance their causes? For starters, we know that political violence does happen, so that general claim is by no means a conspiracy theory in itself. Every powerful lie will; at least have a few elements of truth to it, right?

It’s not like there is never evidence of momentary or sustained violence caused by, or in reaction to, systems of authority. We know there is. We can read about it in the news every day.

However, what most people don’t read about is how this violence is, in many ways, emanating from a statist reaction to any opposition to capitalism. Because, actually, some violence in North America could reasonably be seen as almost synonymous with market capitalism and white nationalism.

As the Spanish individualist anarchist Miguel Giménez Igualada explained regarding capitalism being linked to the government: “[C]apitalism is an effect of government; the disappearance of government means capitalism falls from its pedestal vertiginously…That which we call capitalism is not something else but a product of the State, within which the only thing that is being pushed forward is profit, good or badly acquired. And so to fight against capitalism [alone] is a pointless task, since be it State capitalism or Enterprise capitalism, as long as Government exists, exploiting capital will exist. The fight, but of consciousness, is against the State.”

So the right-wing reactionaries in the system are, in different ways, cracking down on those they consider rebellious against state-capitalism, and chiefly employing racism and fear of “demographic replacement” as a divide-and-conquer tactic to keep the masses in thrall of the corporate state. And, in the United States, the state happens to have a very racist history, which obviously enjoyed a resurgence during Trump’s term as President.

The Republican Party has now been almost totally taken over by Trumpism, so the overlapping interests of mega-corporations and white nationalism are getting harder and harder to conceal. Sure, maybe they are not absolutely, 100% inherently linked, but they do seem to go hand-in-hand, and we do see how bold these Republicans are when it comes to overtly tying their capitalist worldview together with overt racism. It might be said that their dog whistles are increasingly replaced by bullhorns.

On that note, it’s not like one could reasonably say “No noteworthy right-wing political violence has taken place in North America for decades.” It is increasingly the norm, and these right-wing extremists keep calling for more of it (while claiming they are not, of course, to help avoid legal accountability or other punishments).

Aside from the car attack in Charlottesville, which seemed to almost usher in the era of Trumpism, we saw some pretty obvious political violence on January 6, 2021.

Of course, plenty of right-wing propagandists out there will claim that the protests in 2020 were nothing but riots, and tend to exaggerate that particular extremist political violence (though they will always downplay the violence of police who were present, or all the right-wing rioters and, in some cases, agent provocateurs, who showed up at those protest events, often no doubt hoping to trigger a race war to implement their reactionary, white nationalist ideals).

It does not matter to them that I attended a BLM protest locally and there was not a single moment of violence or even property destruction. That fact is not generous to them, so it can be casually ignored.

Now, as messy and deadly as political violence can be, one can easily discover that certain interests are actually profiting off of this dysfunction. If nothing else, we know right-wing leaders and right-wing media are making money, propagandizing the masses to fall in line with their typically twisted perspectives on things.

The Antifa Boogeyman

Rather than focusing on all the white nationalist violence happening in this country (which has quite obviously been increasing in the past decade or so), they want us to believe that every shot is being called by “Antifa” (or a number of unnamed anarchist terrorist cells). They have said so about January 6, with the insane theory that the event — clearly intended to attack the system and impose Trump as a dictator — was these radical anarchists coordinating with the FBI.

And to do what? To have Joe Biden become President after he legitimately won the election? In what way is that any sort of radical idea? The whole conspiracy theory functions as a convoluted joke, and it’s difficult not to laugh at it, even when knowing how degrading and destructive it has been to logic itself.

However, let me be clear on something: No neo-liberal, Wall Street-serving President is acting with the full support or encouragement of far-leftist groups. If they are, then they are likely dupes, undermining their own interests. And frankly, there are no “anarchist governments” or “anarchist jurisdictions” as Trump and AG Bill Barr laughably claimed. That was them inventing a term that has no actual legal basis, but was “elevated” into existence at the whim of the wannabe dictator, Donald Trump, and his (at the time) pathetically loyal lackey, Bill Barr.

Similarly, white nationalist loon Wendy Rogers, an actual elected official in Arizona, recently claimed that the 2022 mass shooting in Buffalo, New York was orchestrated by the FBI (specifically making the ludicrous post: “Fed boy summer has started in Buffalo…”) Not only was the conspiracy theory grossly offensive and rooted in white nationalist conspiracy theory, but it should also be kept in mind that this is a well-paid right-wing narrative. Again, these people are making money by presenting these ideas. They are paid propagandists.

Tucker Carlson over at FOX “News” has repeatedly said such things regarding January 6th, and he also has advanced the same “great replacement theory” that inspired the Buffalo shooter. Now, obviously, people like Tucker Carlson and Wendy Rogers are being paid to advance such conspiracy theories by some people with big money, and to (they hope) bring us closer to a white supremacist government.

And they are cynically using stereotypes about anarchists to claim anarchists and “Antifa” are somehow directly responsible for any bit of terrorist violence happening from right-wing ideology (hell, in some cases, even for apolitical violence, as lunatics like Alex Jones even claimed a school shooting was a “false flag!”). The narrative, of course, is that no right-wingers are actually violent, even when they engage in violent rhetoric on a near-constant basis and have violent beliefs involving preventing “demographic shifts” in the population (very thinly veiled language for rationalizing racial discrimination and related violence).

These right-wing ideologues are also exploiting the fact that, like nearly every other political ideology (aside from advocates of pacifism), anarchists have used assassinations as part of their perceived struggle, at various points in history. However, perhaps ironically, murder by anarchists happens way less nowadays, despite right-wingers suggesting there has been a huge uptick in specifically anarchist political violence — which again, is in fact often actually right-wing terrorism, or even relatively apolitical violence such as school shootings.

But people like Tucker Carlson and Wendy Rogers know full well that anarchists, and leftists, are a convenient scapegoat, as they have never been the most popular group in a largely conservative society like the United States. They can conveniently claim any number of things against anarchists, liberals, Democrats, Marxists, communists, you name it, and their audiences will simply eat it up, as they lack critical thinking skills and (typically) don’t seek out different sources of information.

Again, all of this is profitable for these right-wing interests. They are cashing in on it, and it’s surprising that the United States has not yet totally caved to these perverted interests.

However, they are working on it, overtime.

We can fully expect that these efforts will continue having some success, as they will begin more particularly targeting police officers, military members, and government officials who already have their ear, with their propaganda. Expect an increase in things like loyalty oaths, as well as even more conspiracy theories related to groups these right-wing extremists don’t happen to like. We can fairly predict these extremists will engage in more shootings, discrimination, bombing, and car-ramming attacks against not only relatively random people (be they “liberal” protesters or individuals in minority groups), but increasingly against major targets.

These neo-fascists will have more cases of violence, no doubt, but the real question is how much their narrative can dominate the mass media and spread to infect more already-damaged minds.

Really, one of the few things we have going for us is that, yes, there are “demographic shifts” happening that actually do threaten these narratives, to some degree. As the population becomes more diverse, it likely will adhere strictly to the white nationalist ideology.

This is partly why people like Tucker Carlson advance the “great replacement theory” to begin with. They know they can tap into these racist fears among their target audience., and that there is money to be gained by dividing the population. And, because the system has already been racist in many respects, it makes it easier to cash in, and the white nationalists can already enjoy some popular support.

And we know that white supremacy has been a reality here. In addition to hundreds of years of slavery, segregation, and countless crimes, there are endless signs. Example: To my knowledge, no politician or police officer has ever encouraged racially profiling white people for violence or other crimes, at least not in the United States. For another example, President Trump never claimed Joe Biden was some wicked foreigner, even though he specifically ran against Biden and therefore theoretically had more reason to spread sinister lies (and that lie against Obama truly was sinister, and a clear sign of what was to come under Trumpism).

Dishonesty lies at the very core of practically everything such people say, which is actually a key component of their illegitimacy. It’s not just that they encourage violence against minorities (though they do), it’s also simply that they are liars. Even that should matter, but the laws are often unwilling to touch these liars, provided they have money and powerful connections.

And so the lies spread, and the loyal opposition among the Democrats does little to combat them. These right-wing lies permeate the internet, and the virus spreads.

I recently responded to someone on Youtube who claimed “There are videos on YouTube right now where there are democrats applauding dwindling numbers of White Americans. I’m not making that up, it’s a fact.”

I responded: “‘It’s a fact that you provide no specific source for,’ but then went on to an equally important point: “In the real world, plenty of leftists/liberals/whatever have been honest enough to note that some minorities can end up voting Republican. So there is no guarantee whatsoever that any demographic shift will inherently benefit Democrats, but Republicans don’t want those kinds of people here, and talk of ‘replacement’ is how they rationalize and justify their racist ideology. Cenk [Uygur of The Young Turks] has made that observation repeatedly.”

However, no matter how much I can repeat myself, people are unlikely to hear my competing narrative as much as what’s available in right-wing media. People like myself don’t have millions or billions of dollars to buy ad time. And, hell, even if I did, there is no guarantee whatsoever that right-leaning corporate media would run my ads anyway. The system is rigged, and it’s certainly not rigged in favor of people who challenge white nationalist talking points (lies) and related violence.